2005-09-19 13:08:33 UTC
po mome mišljenju ova grupa zaslužuje jedan ogroman dernek! dakle,
trebalo bi se dogovorit za neki miting tako da se svi skupa sašijemo dok
ne popadamo po podu, te bi na taj način proslavili postojanje ove grupe!
trebalo bi se dogovorit za neki miting tako da se svi skupa sašijemo dok
ne popadamo po podu, te bi na taj način proslavili postojanje ove grupe!
"Actions have reactions, don't be quick to judge
You may not know the harships people don't speak of
It's best to step back and observe with couth
For we all must meet our moment of truth"
Gang Starr, "Moment Of Truth"
"Actions have reactions, don't be quick to judge
You may not know the harships people don't speak of
It's best to step back and observe with couth
For we all must meet our moment of truth"
Gang Starr, "Moment Of Truth"